I would like to generate a script/extract all of the triggers I have in database, so that I can use them in another one. How can I do this?
You can find trigger objects either on sys.objects
view with an xtype
= 'tr'
or, starting in SQL 2008, on the sys.triggers
You can get the definition for triggers (or any other object) by joining to sys.sql_modules.definition
or by calling OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id)
<sub>Just don't use sys.syscomments.text
because it caps out at nvarchar(4000)
In any combination of the above (really doesn't matter) you could generate a single file to populate all of your scripts by terminating each definition with "Go" like this:
<!-- language: lang-sql -->SELECT m.definition, 'GO'
FROM sys.triggers tr
JOIN sys.sql_modules m ON tr.object_id = m.object_id
Just take the resulting output and save it in a single file and execute to recreate every trigger.
Generate Individual Scripts
The problem is a little more complex if you want to generate individual files for each script.
<sup>...mostly in automating the file generation; the previous solution leans on just presenting data and letting you save it.</sup>
You can use bcp utility
, but I find SQL to be pretty clumsy at dealing with generating files. Alternatively, just grab the data in powershell and then generate files from there where you have a lot more fine tuned access and control. Here's a script that will grab all the triggers and create them into folders for each table.
# config
$server = "serverName"
$database = "dbName"
$dirPath = 'C:\triggers'
# query
$query = @"
t.name AS TableName,
tr.name AS TriggerName,
m.definition As TriggerScript
FROM sys.triggers tr
JOIN sys.tables t ON tr.parent_id = t.object_id
JOIN sys.sql_modules m ON tr.object_id = m.object_id
# connection
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$server;Database=$database;Integrated Security=True"
# command
$sqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $sqlConnection)
$sqlCmd.CommandTimeout = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes
# execute
$reader = $sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
while ($reader.Read())
# get reader values
$tableName = $reader.GetValue(0)
$triggerName = $reader.GetValue(1)
$triggerScript = $reader.GetValue(2)
$filepath = "$dirPath\$tableName\$triggerName.sql"
# ensure directory exists
# write file
New-Item -Path $filepath -Value $triggerScript -ItemType File