In a monaco editor instance, you can call addAction oraddCommand

Both provide the ability to execute a function based on key events

The online playground offers examples of how to add a command or how to add an action to an editor instance.

Example of an Action

	id: 'my-unique-id',
	label: 'My Label!!!',
	keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.Enter],
	run: function() { alert('action called') }

Example of a Command

  monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.Enter,
  function() { alert('called command') }

The documentation describes the type definitions, properties, and methods.

However, it's lacking when it comes to providing the context of when to use each, where they show up within the editor, and what each provides.

What's the difference between actions and commands?

My personal impression is that actions are kinda evolved commands. Commands have been introduced first and later it was recognized that more functionality was needed (e.g. context menu integration), so Action was created. For compatibility reasons Command could not be removed by then, so both still exist today.