Let's say I have a database column 'grade' like this:

|    1|
|    2|
|    1|
|    3|
|    4|
|    5|

Is there a non-trivial way in SQL to generate a histogram like this?


where 2 means the grade 1 occurs twice, the 1s mean grades {2..5} occur once and 0 means grade 6 does not occur at all.

I don't mind if the histogram is one row per count.

If that matters, the database is SQL Server accessed by a perl CGI through unixODBC/FreeTDS.

EDIT: Thanks for your quick replies! It is okay if non-existing values (like grade 6 in the example above) do not occur as long as I can make out which histogram value belongs to which grade.

If there are a lot of data points, you can also group ranges together like this:

<!-- language: lang-sql -->
SELECT FLOOR(grade/5.00)*5 As Grade, 
       COUNT(*) AS [Grade Count]
FROM TableName
GROUP BY FLOOR(Grade/5.00)*5

Additionally, if you wanted to label the full range, you can get the floor and ceiling ahead of time with a CTE.

<!-- language: lang-sql -->
With GradeRanges As (
  SELECT FLOOR(Score/5.00)*5     As GradeFloor, 
         FLOOR(Score/5.00)*5 + 4 As GradeCeiling
  FROM TableName
SELECT GradeFloor,
       CONCAT(GradeFloor, ' to ', GradeCeiling) AS GradeRange,
       COUNT(*) AS [Grade Count]
FROM GradeRanges
GROUP BY GradeFloor, CONCAT(GradeFloor, ' to ', GradeCeiling)
ORDER BY GradeFloor

Note: In some SQL engines, you can GROUP BY an Ordinal Column Index, but with MS SQL, if you want it in the SELECT statement, you're going to need to group by it also, hence copying the Range into the Group Expression as well.

Option 2: You could use case statements to selectively count values into arbitrary bins and then unpivot them to get a row by row count of included values