I keep getting this error in my App.vue toolbar.

[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "scrollThreshold". >Expected Number, got String.

  dark color="pink darken-4" 

I changed the scrollThreshold to "500" and the error is the same.

Use v-bind or the : shorthand to pass in non-string values like this:

<!-- language: lang-html --> <pre><code>&lt;v-toolbar <b><a href="https://v1.vuejs.org/guide/syntax.html#v-bind-Shorthand">:</a></b>scroll-threshold="777"&gt; &lt;/v-toolbar&gt;</code></pre>

If you pass in a static value for the attribute like this:

<!-- language: lang-html --> <pre><code>&lt;v-toolbar color="pink" class="toolbar" flat <b>scroll-threshold="777"</b>&gt; &lt;/v-toolbar&gt;</code></pre>

It is always parsed as just a string and will compile into something like this:

<pre><code>_c("v-toolbar", { staticClass: "toolbar", attrs: { color: "pink", flat: "", <b>"scroll-threshold": "777"</b> } }),</code></pre>

Instead, you can use the v-bind shorthand syntax to pass in a JavaScript expression. Normally, this makes sense when you want to resolve to a property available on the model, but it really just evaluates whatever is inside of outer quotes as regular js.

So if you update to use :scroll-threshold="777", the 777 will be evaluated as a number like this:

<pre><code>_c("v-toolbar", { staticClass: "toolbar", attrs: { color: "pink", flat: "", <b>"scroll-threshold": 777</b> } }),</code></pre>