I have a component and want to add a click listener that runs a method in the parent template in Vue. Is this possible?

    <custom-element @click="someMethod"></custom-element>

    export default {
        name: 'template',
        methods: {
            someMethod: function() {

Relying on calling this.$parent hides the dependency and will break when you use component libraries which create a longer child hierarchy

The prefered methods are to either:

  1. Explicitly pass methods as properties to child components (the same as passing data props)
  2. Or declare global methods as mixins

From nils's answer on Vue.js inheritance call parent method:

  1. Passing props (parent-child)

    var SomeComponentA = Vue.extend({
        methods: {
            someFunction: function () {
                // ClassA some stuff
    var SomeComponentB = Vue.extend({
       props: [ 'someFunctionParent' ],
       methods: {
           someFunction: function () {
               // Do your stuff

    and in the template of SomeComponentA:

    <some-component-b :someFunctionParent="someFunction"></some-component-b>
  2. Use Mixins

    If this is common functionality that you want to use in other places, using a mixin might be more idiomatic:

    var mixin = {
        methods: {
            someFunction: function() {
                // ...
    var SomeComponentA = Vue.extend({
        mixins: [ mixin ],
        methods: {
    var SomeComponentB = Vue.extend({
       methods: {
           someFunctionExtended: function () {
               // Do your stuff

Further Reading