I have a set requirement to produce a report that looks like this (the detail grids are based on and group by a Hearing table ID, or HearingDate and CaseId):
Hearing Group (repeat for each hearing)
│ Hearing Date: [HearingDate] Case ID: [CaseId] etc... │
│ │
│ | Start Time | Hearing Type | etc | │
│ | [StartTime] | [HearingType] | [etc] | │
│ │
│ Participant List: │
│ │
│ | Role | Participant Name | Participant End Date | │
│ | [Role] | [ParticipantName] | [ParticipantEndDate] | │
│ │
│ | Violation Description | Plea Description | Person Charged | │
│ | [Violation Description] | [PleaDescription] | [PersonCharged] | │
I've researched this quite a bit and don't think I can use one dataset and one tablix and group it that way because of the multiple detail grids. If I had just one detail grid, sure, that's easy, but I've not seen a way to do with two levels of detail.
Apparently, SSRS limits you to one dataset if you nest two tables/tablixes, so that's out, plus there's limited flexibility with crossing columns. I'm not sure if I can accomplish this with a List (which I have no experience with), or maybe using the LookupSet function. I don't want to go down the wrong path either with my design or by choosing a route that hurts performance, because the parameters for this report allow a date range for hearing start and end dates and so this could potentially generate many records.
Some ideas would be appreciated!