I want to serve same index.html page for all (sub)urls in my app on gh-pages

is that possible?

right now when I go to repo/inner/path I get a 404

so I want to "force" github pages serve the same root index.html on all routes

This may or may not be in the cards for you, but it seems you're setting up routing for a SPA. Many client based routers offer hash-based routing precisely for this reason so that you don't have to configure your hosting provider to redirect urls to return index.

The landscape of solutions seems to be:

  1. Use Hash-Based Routing

    <!-- language: lang-none--> <pre><code><b>USE</b>: https://example.com/index.html#inner/path <b>NOT</b>: https://example.com/inner/path</code></pre>
  2. Use the custom 404 page for gh-pages to redirect all missed traffic back to index.html

  3. Choose a different free static hosting provider that allows basic url rewrites or redirects like:

It doesn't look like github supports this feature right now, so you'll either need to avoid deep link requests to the server or change to a hosting provider that allows you to do so.

Further Reading: