I have now successfully setup my static website in a CDN, Is there a way to specify that index.html is the default document ? It is a 1 page site I just would like to browse to the root url without having to type /index.html ..

Thank you

This is now possible with Static websites on Azure Storage

Creating a Static Website

  1. Navigate to your storage account
  2. Select Static Website from the blade and toggle to "enabled"

Add Static Website

  1. Once you save, this will create a URL endpoint and also a bucket named $web to host your files

    Static Endpoint

  2. Go to your $web storage container and upload any files you want

Add CDN / Custom Domain

  1. Navigate to your CDN Profile and either Create / Edit your Endpoint

  2. Select 'Custom Origin' and use the 'Origin Hostname' that was created for your static site

    Custom Origin CDN

  3. Give Azure up to 30 minutes to propagate all the settings

Further Reading