Using gulp/node, how can I convert this JSON file into a YML file?

Starting file: config.json

  ":hello_world": "Test",
  ":foo_bar": [

Desired output: config.yml

:hello_world: Test 
- One.js
- Two.txt

You can use js-yaml, which seems to be the most widely used / adopted, and also is officially recommended by

npm i js-yaml

Then you can read in the json file, parse with safeLoad, and then serialize with safeDump like this:

const { promises: fs } = require("fs")
const yaml = require('js-yaml');

(async function main() {

    try {

        let configJson = await fs.readFile("./config.json", "utf-8")
        let doc = yaml.safeLoad(configJson)
        let configYaml = yaml.safeDump(doc)
        await fs.writeFile("./config.yaml", configYaml, "utf-8")

    } catch (error) {


Further Reading

NPM Libraries