In my server side file I have two functions defined for which I want to write test cases which are residing in a file in tests directory.


calcSha1Hash = (params) ->
    .... logic...
anotherFunc = () ->
    x = calcSha1Hash(params)


MochaWeb?.testOnly () ->
  describe.only("Hash generation.  ", () ->
    it(" calcSha1Hash returns Hash.", (dn) ->
      dataDict = {email: ''}
      hash = calcSha1Hash (dataDict)

How is it possible to call the server side func(calcSha1Hash) in my test case in Meteor

Unless there is a meteor-specific way to do this, you can implement the solution from How to Unit Test Private Functions in JavaScript

You will need to have a single global variable (something like TestAPI). Then add your functions to it inside of a closure so you can access them from anywhere.

Here's an example from the article:

<!-- language: lang-js --> <pre><code>var myModule = (function() { function foo() { // private function `foo` inside closure return "foo" } var api = { bar: function() { // public function `bar` returned from closure return "bar" } } <b>/* test-code */</b> <b>api._foo = foo</b> <b>/* end-test-code */</b> return api }())</code></pre>

Someone might have something better, but that's a start.