Does anyone know how to bind a Yes/No radio button to a boolean property of a Strongly Typed Model in ASP.NET MVC.


public class MyClass
     public bool Blah { get; set; }


<%@  Page Title="blah"  Inherits="MyClass"%>
        <%= Html.RadioButton("blah", Model.blah) %> Yes
        <%= Html.RadioButton("blah", Model.blah) %> No



Thanks for Brian for the direction but it was the opposite of what he wrote. As so -

<%@  Page Title="blah"  Inherits="MyClass"%>
    <%= Html.RadioButton("blah", !Model.blah) %> Yes
    <%= Html.RadioButton("blah", Model.blah) %> No

If I can throw my hat into the ring, I think there is a cleaner way than the existing answers to reuse the radio button functionality.

Let's say you have the following property in your ViewModel:

<!-- language: lang-vb -->
Public Class ViewModel
    <Display(Name:="Do you like Cats?")>
    Public Property LikesCats As Boolean
End Class

You can expose that property through a reusable editor template:

First, create the file Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/YesNoRadio.vbhtml

Then add the following code to YesNoRadio.vbhtml:

<!-- language: lang-html -->
@ModelType Boolean?

        @Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model)

        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, True) Yes
        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, False) No

You can call the editor for the property by manually specifying the template name in your View:

<!-- language: lang-html -->
@Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.LikesCats, "YesNoRadio")


  • Get to write HTML in an HTML editor instead of appending strings in code behind.
  • Preserves the DisplayName DataAnnotation
  • Allows clicks on Label to toggle radio button
  • Least possible code to maintain in form (1 line). If something is wrong with the way it is rending, take it up with the template.