I've always used a tempClass to iterate through something and select first child text input. I am having weird issues with this now. I've looked off and on to with no success to find the proper way to do this.

Code Snippet

$( ".inputQuantityUpdate" ).each(function( index ) {
    completed   = $(".tempPtr :input[type='text']:first").val();
    nc          = $(".tempPtr :input[type='text']:first").next().val();
    if(nc == "NC")nc = 0;

My problem is nc and completed is correct for the first iteration, but not after. For some reason this isn't working. What would be the best way to tackle this?

Update: The marked solution worked. I should have posted the other fields I am grabbing because they aren't working. This set of routines works when only 1 element "inputQuantityUpdate" is in the iteration. It blows up when there are multiple. I have a feeling this is some sort of memory issue/syntax misuse on my part. What is the best way to do this if there is data stored in the element like:

function updatesConfirmed(){
        $( ".inputQuantityUpdate" ).each(function( index ) {
            job         = $(this).data("job");
            suf         = $(this).data("suff");
            op          = $(this).data("op");
            completed   = $(":input[type='text']:first", this).val();
            nc          = $(":input[type='text']:first", this).next().val();
            if(nc == "NC")nc = 0;

I'm assuming it's the case that you're only using tempPtr to access the looped element in each loop. If that's the case, you can use .filter on $(this) instead.

Try this:

<!-- language: lang-js -->
$( ".inputQuantityUpdate" ).each(function( index ) {
    completed = $(this).filter(":input[type='text']:first").val();
    nc = $(this).filter(":input[type='text']:first").next().val();
    if (nc == "NC") nc = 0;