I'm trying to collect some metadata about pdf files on our server. I'd like to know whether or not they are a form, and if so, if they can be saved or must be printed. Does something like iTextSharp expose that kind of information?

Here's a code sample where I can

<!-- language: lang-vb -->
Private Sub GetPDFInfo(ByVal path As String)
    If File.Exists(path) Then
        Dim reader As New PdfReader(path)
        'sample metadata exposed
        Dim numberOfPages = reader.NumberOfPages

        'what to call to get form info?

    End If
End Sub


Here's what I mean by being able to save or not: demo1 demo2 I'm not sure where this information lives, but each form has some kind of indication of whether or not the form data can be saved locally.

The simplest way to check for a form would be to see if the PdfReader's AcroForm field is null:

Dim HasForm = reader.AcroForm IsNot Nothing


I don't have Adobe Reader laying around but I think that message is generated when usage rights aren't enabled on a form. You should be able to use:

Dim CanUserSave = reader.HasUsageRights()