Currently I'm just using jQuery to have a checkbox and a text, with the text to change after the checkbox is ticked, but I'm trying to work it so that the box OR text can be clicked and the result is changed text and checked box?

Can anybody assist me further?

enter image description here


For the HTML part, there are two ways to specify a label for an element:

  1. Setting the label's for attribute to the element's id

    <input type='checkbox' id='chkCart' />
    <label for='chkCart'>Add to Cart</label>
  2. Placing the element inside a label

    <label >
        <input type='checkbox' />
        Add to Cart

I'll use the first one


Then you can use jQuery to handle the rest:

  • First, make sure the DOM is loaded by wrapping your javascript in a .ready function (since we'll be looking to modify these elements).
  • Then attach an event handler to the checkbox click event by using the .click function.
  • Since we've set the for attribute for this particular label, we can use the attribute equals selector ([name="value"]) by looking for a label with the same for value as our calling element's id.
  • You can check if the object that raised the event is checked on or off by using the :checked selector.
  • You can use the Javascript's ternary operator to conditionally set each value
  • Then rename the label using the .text function

It should all look like this:

$(function () {
    $("#chkCart").click(function () {
        var lbl = $(`label[for='${}']`);
        var msg = this.checked ? "Added" : "Add to Cart"

Demo in Stack Snippets & jsFiddle

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: true console: false babel: false --> <!-- language: lang-js -->
$(function () {
    $("#chkCart").click(function () {
        var lbl = $(`label[for='${}']`);
        var msg = this.checked ? "Added" : "Add to Cart"
<!-- language: lang-html -->
<script src=""></script>

<input type='checkbox' id='chkCart'/>
<label for='chkCart'>Add to Cart</label>
<!-- end snippet -->