I am trying to use a second SELECT
to get some ID, then use that ID in a second SELECT
and I have no idea how.
SELECT Employee.Name
FROM Emplyee, Employment
WHERE x = Employment.DistributionID
(SELECT Distribution.DistributionID FROM Distribution
WHERE Distribution.Location = 'California') AS x
This post got long, but here is a short "tip"
While the syntax of my select is bad, the logic is not. I need that "x" somehow. Thus the second select
is the most important. Then I have to use that "x" within the first select
. I just don't know how
This is the only thing I could imagine, I'm very new at Sql, I think I need a book before practicing, but now that I've started I'd like to finish my small program.
Ok I looked up joins, still don't get it
SELECT Employee.Name
FROM Emplyee, Employment
WHERE x = Employment.DistributionID
LEFT JOIN Distribution ON
(SELECT Distribution.DistributionID FROM Distribution
WHERE Distribution.Location = 'California') AS x
Get error msg at AS
and Left
I use name to find ID from upper red, I use the ID I find FROM upper red in lower table. Then I match the ID I find with Green. I use Green ID to find corresponding Name
I have California
as output data from C#. I want to use California
to find the DistributionID. I use the DistributionID to find the EmployeeID. I use EmployeeID to find Name
My logic:
Parameter: Distribution.Name (from C#)
Find DistributionID that has Distribution.Name
Look in Employment WHERE given DistributionID
reveals Employees that I am looking for (BY ID)
Use that ID to find Name
return Name
NOTE: In this example picture the Employee repeats because of the select, they are in fact singular
In "Locatie" (middle table) is Location, I get location (again) from C#, I use California
as an example. I need to find the ID
first and foremost!
Sory they are not in english, but here are the create tables: