I'm running Windows 7 with PowerShell 2 installed.

I've downloaded version 2.1 from here - http://pscx.codeplex.com/releases

The Release notes say

  • unblock the zip file - {which I did}
  • extract the contents of the ZIP file to your $env:Home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder

I was unsure what $env:Home was so a bit of searching determined that the release notes are expecting an environment variable called Home which doesn't exist on my machine.

A bit more searching says use what is defined as ~ on my machine. So in a PS prompt I run cd ~

Which on my machine led to a network drive U:

I created the following directories U:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules and copied the extracted Pscx-2.1.0 to the Modules folder. Opened a PowerShell prompt and typed Get-Module -ListAvailable. This didn't give me Pscx in the results.

The above steps actually gave me this folder tree U:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pscx-2.1.0\Pscx-2.1.0

So I copied the files up a level and tried again with U:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pscx-2.1.0\ and also tried with U:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pscx\

I also tried all of the above with this path U:\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pscx-2.1.0\

I'm guessing that the Modules aren't actually supposed to be in this directory, so a bit more searching leads to this command. (Get-ChildItem Env:\PSModulePath).Value

which gives the following result


So I copy the Pscx-2.1.0 folder to here C:\Users\my.name\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pscx-2.1.0

And still no luck.

What step am I missing?

Update: Looks like PsGet is no longer maintained, but source is still available on github.

You can also use PsGet to easily search and install PowerShell modules.

You can check which modules have been added to PsGet by browsing for all modules:

> Get-PsGetModuleInfo *

Or locate this one specfically:

> Get-PsGetModuleInfo pscx

Then you can install based on that information:

> Install-Module pscx